Spoken Word Poetry by Phoenix James.… See More
Tag: children
Spoken Word Poetry by Phoenix James.… See More

On Having Babies Later In Life
Here I answer a question and share my thoughts on people having babies in later life.… See More

Current Requirements for Permanence
Here I talk about what it would currently take for me to even consider tattooing the name of a love interest on my body.… See More

Two Teenagers
Here I talk about my two teenage children.… See More

Musings of the Socially Awkward
Here I talk about the ups and downs and the ins and outs of what it is to be or not to be or to feel or not to feel socially awkward.… See More

She’s My Girl
Out with my daughter for a few things at a few places ahead of her 16th birthday and upcoming party.… See More
Phoenix James at ASFA Convention in France – Photos by Virginie Maurille
Phoenix James attends the convention of ASFA, Association of Science Fiction in Amélie les Bains, a Star Wars special event which took place on March 26th-27th in the South of France and helped to raise money for Joa-Joie, which campaigns to help improve the lives of hospitalized children with cancer or long illness.… See More
Phoenix James at ASFA Convention in France – Photos by Paul Fauchille
Phoenix James attends the convention of ASFA, Association of Science Fiction in Amélie les Bains, a Star Wars special event which took place on March 26th-27th in the South of France and helped to raise money for Joa-Joie, which campaigns to help improve the lives of hospitalized children with cancer or long illness.… See More
Phoenix James at ASFA Convention in South of France
Phoenix James will attend the convention of ASFA, Association of Science Fiction in Amélie les Bains, a Star Wars special event taking place on March 26th-27th in the South of France and will help raise money for Joa-Joie, which campaigns to help improve the lives of hospitalized children with cancer or long illness.
Phoenix James visits and talks to students with ASD at Heartlands High School
Phoenix James attends Heartlands High School to meet, spend time with and be interviewed by students at the ASD provision who went on a special cinema trip to watch Star Wars: The Force Awakens as part of their school project as well as discuss with them what it is like being a First Order Stormtrooper and the model designs they had created based around and inspired by the epic movie.… See More