Touching You, Touching Me
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Touching You, Touching Me

Here I talk about McDonald’s touch screens and the amount of germs and diseases we pick up and carry around and spread in general on a day to day basis from the places we go and the things we touch without even realising.… See More

High Off Of This Moment
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High Off Of This Moment

Here I talk about how great it would be if we were able to watch our direct ancestors from many generations ago via internet platforms such as this one, to see and hear how they lived and moved and spoke and how much we were like and resembled them and about the fact that we today are those very same people ourselves for our descendants now and in the future to come.… See More

If Harriet Tubman Was A Vlogger
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If Harriet Tubman Was A Vlogger

Here I talk about how amazing it would be if Harriet Tubman in her time was a video creator, had access to a camera or cameraman and filmed and documented all of the planning, organising and preparation and the freeing of enslaved people via the Underground Railroad during slavery time and we could now today pull it up right here on the internet and watch her whole process from beginning to end and perhaps all of the people involved as well as all of those rescued.… See More